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Active Users

2 users in the last day have played 358709 games
Daily Top 50 (all users)
User Games / Day All Runs (Run 1)
fsluobing 358663 (358663)
TianLu&BiXie 46 (46)
Monthly Top 50
User Games / Month
fsluobing 21351190
akcel 142985
小熊猫 26653
TianLu&BiXie 8890
baobao 111
PikaCat 90
20000000 11
Overall Top 50
User Games
trivial 51826777
fsluobing 49261783
abin 38107837
akcel 11078610
meamas-teamo 986992
baobao 399673
jhl310 396410
小熊猫 26653
TianLu&BiXie 9209
Alarich 2480
huorongrong 236
PikaCat 188
20000000 11